
5 Ways To Reduce Office Lunch Expenses

In this article, we will explore five ways that aim to help your team keep spending down without sacrificing good eats or valuable interaction between coworkers...

The office lunch is a staple of the modern workplace. It can be an effective way to build camaraderie among colleagues and give workers time away from their desks to recharge. But it can also present challenges like budgeting, unhealthy food choices, and wasted resources - all of which can add up to hefty costs for employers.

Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies available that business owners and employees alike can use to reduce expenses associated with office lunches while still enjoying a break in their day. In this article, we will explore five such approaches that aim to help your team keep spending down without sacrificing good eats or valuable interaction between coworkers.

First off, let's look at how pre-planning meals ahead of time - whether by assigning individual items or preparing bulk orders in advance - can save money on groceries while avoiding costly last-minute trips out for takeout orders when cravings strike during the workday.

Next, we'll discuss ways workplaces might choose healthier options like providing healthy snacks rather than frequent full meals; opting for vegetarian dishes instead of red meat entrees; taking advantage of leftovers from previous days' lunches, and reducing packaging waste through compostable single-use containers as opposed to styrofoam boxes or plastic wrap. Finally, some simple tips on minimizing complex meal preparation requirements so you don't end up overpaying staff members who may not have experience cooking large amounts on short notice!

Plan Ahead For Lunch

One way to reduce office lunch expenses is to plan ahead. Planning meals in advance allows for more efficient grocery shopping and meal prepping, both of which can save money. Additionally, taking the time to plan meals and grocery lists can help prevent impulse purchases that can quickly add up. It also helps to plan for larger portions, such as casseroles or soups that can be easily reheated for leftovers throughout the week.

Provide Healthy Snacks

Providing healthy snacks in the office is one way to reduce lunch expenses. Having a variety of healthy snacks, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and healthy energy bars, will help keep employees energized during the day and reduce the need for lunch breaks. You can also consider providing healthy drinks, such as herbal teas and low-calorie juices. This will help promote better eating habits and keep employees from reaching for unhealthy snacks that may cost more. Plus, having a variety of snacks available will give employees something to snack on during those long meetings or late nights at the office.

Encourage Bring-Your-Own Lunch

Encouraging employees to bring their own lunch is a great way to reduce office lunch expenses. This strategy can save businesses a lot of money, as it eliminates the need for purchasing individual meals for each employee. Additionally, bringing one's own lunch is healthier than purchasing pre-made meals from restaurants, as it allows employees to control what ingredients they consume. Additionally, it cuts back on packaging waste that is associated with takeout meals. Encouraging employees to bring their own lunch can also help foster a sense of community, as employees are more likely to socialize and connect over meals if they bring their own food.

Use Reusable Warewashing Containers

Using reusable ware-washing containers is an easy and cost-effective way to reduce office lunch expenses. Investing in a few containers that can be used for both food storage and lunch items can save money in the long run, as well as reduce the amount of single-use plastics produced. Reusable ware-washing containers also help to keep food fresh for longer, meaning leftovers can be used for the next day's lunch. This will cut down on any food waste and save you money. Additionally, having reusable ware-washing containers available in the office can make it easier for staff to take their meals to work daily.

Reuse Leftovers

Reusing leftovers is a great way to reduce office lunch expenses. Encourage your staff to take home their leftovers, or use them to create a leftovers buffet. This will help reduce waste and save on the cost of buying new lunch ingredients. Additionally, you could designate one day a week as a 'Leftover Day' and encourage your staff to bring in their leftovers. This will not only save on office lunch expenses but can also provide an interesting and varied menu.


The key to reducing office lunch expenses is to plan and incentivize employees to bring their own meals. By providing healthy snacks, encouraging bring-your-own lunches, using reusable ware-washing containers, and reusing leftovers, you can make sure your office lunch budget stays in check while still providing delicious meals for your employees. With a bit of creativity and effort, you can save money on office lunches without sacrificing taste!