
Some Of The Strangest Dishes Around The World

Are you an adventurous eater? If so, then this article is for you. We've put together a compilation of some of the strangest dishes around the world...

Are you an adventurous eater? If so, then this article is for you! In the world of food, there is a wide range of strange and unusual dishes to explore. From exotic ingredients to bizarre preparation methods, these dishes come from all corners of the globe.

Each unique plate can tell us something about its country's culture and history. To honour those curious culinary creations, we've put together a compilation of some of the strangest dishes around the world. We invite you to join us on our journey as we travel through different countries and continents experiencing their most peculiar plates. Whether it's eyeball tacos in Mexico or fried tarantulas in Cambodia - get ready for your taste buds to be tantalized by what lies ahead! In this article, we'll take a look at both traditional and modern offerings that may seem unappetizing but play an important role in each nation's cuisine nonetheless. Each dish comes with its backstory complete with interesting facts about where it originated from and how it has evolved over time.

We will also provide tips on how they can be enjoyed safely without compromising your health or risking food poisoning; after all, safety should always come first when trying new things! So let's jump right into it - prepare yourself because here are some of the strangest dishes around the world! Read on if you dare...

Cambodia: Fried Tarantula

Cambodia is known for its unusual cuisine, and one of its more strange dishes is the Fried Tarantula. This dish consists of  deep-fried tarantulas that are usually served with garlic, lime and a special dipping sauce. It is said to be crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a slightly sweet and smoky flavour. This dish is often served as a snack or as part of a larger meal.

Japan: Ebi shrimp tacos

In Japan, one of the strangest dishes you can find is Ebi shrimp tacos. These crunchy tacos can be found in almost any seafood restaurant in Japan. The tacos are made by deep-frying small baby shrimps and then topping them with mayonnaise and grated cheese. They are then wrapped up in a crispy taco shell. These tacos have a unique flavour, with the crunch of the deep-fried shrimp and the smooth texture of the mayonnaise and cheese. For an even more interesting experience, you can add a range of condiments to the tacos, such as chilli sauce and seaweed.

Pakistan: Fried Bat Wing and Scorpion Bowls

Pakistan is home to some of the strangest dishes around the world. Fried Bat Wings and Scorpion Bowls are just two of the oddities that can be found in this country. Fried Bat Wings are the wings of a bat that are deep-fried until they are crispy and golden brown. Scorpion Bowls are a mixture of boiled scorpions, herbs, and spices that are served with a side of rice. Both dishes are a delicacy in Pakistan, and they are sure to surprise even the most adventurous eaters.

Philippines: Sinugbaan ng Ina sa Puso (Eggplant in Bread)

In the Philippines, there is a unique dish known as Sinugbaan ng Ina sa Puso (Eggplant in Bread). It is made using eggplant slices that are stuffed with onion, garlic, and spices into a flatbread made with flour and salt. The stuffed flatbread is then wrapped around the eggplant and baked in a charcoal oven. This dish is often served with a side of vinegar or soy sauce for added flavour. The combination of flavours gives this dish a unique and delicious taste that is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

Thailand: Vermicelli with Insects and Gummy Bears

In Thailand, one of the strangest dishes on offer is vermicelli with insects and gummy bears. This unusual combination is served as part of a noodle dish, with the gummy bears adding a sweet layer of flavour to an otherwise savoury dish. The insects used in this dish include grasshoppers, crickets, and worms. While this may sound off-putting to some, many people find the addition of these insects to be very enjoyable. This dish is a great way of trying something different and experiencing new tastes and textures.


From Fried Tarantulas in Cambodia to Vermicelli with Insects and Gummy Bears in Thailand, there is an astonishingly wide variety of strange dishes around the world. Each culture has its unique culinary creations, often incorporating ingredients and methods for food preparation that may seem unusual or even bizarre to foreign palates. Trying new foods from different cultures can be an exhilarating way to experience the world and expand our understanding of different cultures.