
What Are Some Of The Benefits of Aerial Yoga?

In this article we'll explore what aerial yoga entails and how doing it can benefit your wellbeing on a holistic level...

If you're curious about aerial yoga and want to know more, then this article is for you. In it, we will discuss the various benefits of practicing aerial yoga - from improving physical strength and flexibility to enjoying unique mental health advantages.

We'll explore what aerial yoga entails and how doing it can benefit your wellbeing on a holistic level. Aerial yoga involves a fabric hammock suspended from the ceiling that enables practitioners to perform poses which would otherwise be difficult or even impossible in traditional forms of yoga. The use of gravity-defying techniques with support from the hammock helps facilitate precise alignment while also allowing students to access deeper expressions within postures without as much strain or effort compared with regular methods like Hatha Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga. In addition to building strength, stamina, balance and coordination through its movements, just being able to feel airborne while performing stretches can provide great relaxation both physically and mentally; reducing stress levels overall.

Also known as anti-gravity fitness classes, Aerial Yoga offers an array of different possibilities when trying out new positions-allowing experienced yogis in addition recreational enthusiasts alike some exciting alternatives for their workout routine! So if you're looking for an enjoyable way to boost your daily exercise regime by spicing up your practice with some innovative twists - continue reading our article on "What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Aerial Yoga?"

What is Aerial Yoga?

Aerial yoga is a relatively new form of yoga which combines traditional yoga positions with the use of a silk hammock. The hammock suspends the user in the air allowing for a unique and dynamic form of exercise. It can be used to both challenge and relax the body, creating an intense yet calming experience. Aerial yoga requires strength, balance, and flexibility, as well as mental focus and concentration as the user must keep their body aligned and in control while suspended in the air.

Benefits of Aerial Yoga

The hammock offers support to the body and allows for deeper stretching, increased flexibility and range of motion, and an increase in spinal decompression. It also reduces stress on the joints, as it eliminates most of the body's weight and gravity when carrying out poses. Furthermore, the hammock can be used to help with inversion and relaxation techniques, allowing for a deeper connection to poses and improved breathing. With Aerial Yoga, practitioners can perform more advanced yoga postures than with regular mat yoga, while still experiencing the same benefits.

Types of Aerial Yoga Classes

Aerial Yoga classes are often divided into two main types: restorative and dynamic. In a restorative Aerial Yoga class, the focus is on gently stretching and strengthening the body through the use of the hammock. This type of class is ideal for anyone looking to relax and unwind. A dynamic Aerial Yoga class, on the other hand, is more fast-paced and intense. This type of Aerial Yoga class involves using the hammock to create more challenging poses, such as inversions, while still maintaining proper form and technique. Both types of classes provide an excellent full-body workout, but dynamic classes are more suitable for those seeking a more intense experience.


Aerial Yoga is a great way to challenge both your body and your mind, with many physical and mental benefits. It is a fun, unique way to enjoy yoga and experience a sense of freedom and relaxation. Whether you are looking for a low-impact workout or just want to try something new, aerial yoga can help you reach your goals. With different types and levels of classes available, aerial yoga can help improve strength, balance, flexibility, and body awareness. It's a great way to keep your body active while having fun and trying something different.